Practical Lambing
A hands-on course designed for new flock owners or for people who simply want to enjoy the experience of working in a lambing shed.

Day 1
4-6pm, evening talk and discussion
Getting your ewes in lamb
Health and condition of the ewe during pregnancy
Preparation for lambing, facilities and equipment
Labour and when/how to assist, when to call a vet
Neonate care, common problems in lamb's first 48 hours
Castration and tail docking. Necessity and method
Day 2
5am - midday, in the lambing shed
Designed for you to get maximum hands-on experience with the topics discussed the previous evening. We can't guarantee you'll deliver a lamb but it's pretty likely! You'll be closely supervised and no-one will be asked to do anything beyond what they feel comfortable with.
£195 per person. Maximum 2 people.
Dates for 2023
Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th March
Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd April
Tuesday 4th - Wednesday 5th April
Tuesday 3rd - Wednesday 4th October
Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th October
Tuesday 10th - Wednesday 11th October
Call 07831 334480 to book
Please note: it goes without saying that sheep keepers must retain a vet. It is your vet that should judge the level of training and experience you need to be competent to keep sheep. We will provide you with an introduction to topics relating to sheep health, diet and disease but this is not intended as a substitute for professional advice from your vet.